Saturday, January 1, 2011

PPQ of Mayfair Gold Coat

Hello all!

Have any of you checked out the new "PPQ of Mayfair" collection in the Starplaza yet? It's really pricey, but it has some nice stuff. The one that stuck out most to me was the Gold Coat, which looks like the one Lady Linda McCartney wore at her wedding in 1969. The PPQ coat is by far nicer, but there is a resemblance, in my humble opinion...

So I tried it on my friend Heather. I went to her house yesterday and we logged onto her account, which is LindaMcCartney. and it is a tribute account. Stop by sometime, it's really cool! Anyhow, we went to Starplaza and tried it on with the "same" outfit Mrs. McCartney had worn to her wedding back in '69.

Pretty freaky, huh? Hah, I think it's rather cool...

What do YOU think?

Oh by the way... DISCLAIMER: I did not take the photos of Paul and Linda and Heather (duh!), I found them elsewhere on the internet.

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